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Newman::EmailLogger provides rudimentary logging support for email objects, and primarily exists to support the Newman::RequestLogger and Newman::ResponseLogger objects.

If you are only interested in making use of this logging functionality and not extending it or changing it in some way, you do not need to be familiar with the code in this file. Just be sure to note that if you add service.debug_mode = true to your configuration file, or set the Ruby $DEBUG global variable, you will get much more verbose output from Newman’s logging system.

Newman::EmailLogger is part of Newman’s internal interface.

module Newman
  module EmailLogger


Newman::EmailLogger#log_email takes a logger object, a prefix, and a Mail object and then outputs relevant debugging details.

This method always at least provides a summary of the provided email at the INFO level When in debugging mode, the full contents of the email will also gets logged.

The main purpose of this method is to be used by Newman::RequestLogger and Newman::ResponseLogger, but may also optionally be used as a helper for those who are rolling their own logging functionality.

    def log_email(logger, prefix, email)
      logger.debug(prefix) { "\n#{email}" }
      logger.info(prefix) { email_summary(email) }


NOTE: Methods below this point in the file are implementation details, and should not be depended upon



Newman::EmailLogger#email_summary returns a hash with a summary of the provided email object.

    def email_summary(email)
      { :from     => email.from,
        :to       => email.to,
        :bcc      => email.bcc,
        :subject  => email.subject,
        :reply_to => email.reply_to }