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Newman::MailingList implements a simple mechanism for storing lists of email addresses keyed by a mailing list name.

This object is meant to be used in conjunction with a Newman::Store object which is PStore backed, but would fairly easily map to arbitrary data stores via adapter objects.

Newman::MailingList is part of Newman’s external interface.

module Newman
  class MailingList


To initialize a Newman::MailingList object, a list name and a store object must be provided, i.e:

store        = Newman::Store.new(‘simple.store’)
mailing_list = Newman::MailingList.new(“simple_list”, store)
    def initialize(name, store)
      self.name  = name
      self.store = store


Newman::MailingList#subscribe is used to add subscribers to the mailing list, i.e.


If the provided email address is for a new subscriber, a new record gets created for that subscriber, adding them to the list. Otherwise, this method does not modify the mailing list.

Returns true if list was modified, returns false otherwise.

    def subscribe(email)
      return false if subscriber?(email)




Newman::MailingList#unsubscribe is used to remove subscribers from the mailing list, i.e.


If the provided email address is for an existing subscriber, the record for that subscriber is destroyed, removing them from the list. Otherwise, this method does not modify the mailing list.

Returns true if list was modified, returns false otherwise.

    def unsubscribe(email)
      return false unless subscriber?(email)

      record = store[name].find { |e| e.contents == email } 


Newman::MailingList#subscriber? is used to check if a given email address is on the list, i.e.


Returns true if a record is found which matches the given email address, returns false otherwise.

    def subscriber?(email)
      store[name].any? { |r| r.contents == email }

Newman::MailingList#subscribers is used to access all email addresses for the mailing list’s subscribers, i.e:

members = mailing_list.subscribers

Returns an array of email addresses.

    def subscribers
      store[name].map { |r| r.contents } 

NOTE: Methods below this point in the file are implementation details, and should not be depended upon.


These accessors have been made private to reflect the fact that Newman::MailingList objects are meant to point to a single named list within a single data store once they are created.

    attr_accessor :name, :store