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Newman::Store is a minimal persistence layer for storing non-relational data. It is meant to make the task of building small applications with simple data storage needs easier.

For an example of how Newman::Store can be used in your applications, you can take a look at how Newman::MailingList is implemented. A similar approach could be used to develop arbitrary persistent models.

Newman::Store is part of Newman’s external interface.

module Newman
  class Store 

To initialize a Newman::Store object, a filename string must be provided, i.e.

store = Newman::Store.new(“simple.store”)

This filename will be used to initialize a PStore object after first running FileUtils.mkdir_p to create any directories within the path to the filename if they do not already exist. Once that PStore object is created, two root keys will be mapped to empty Hash objects if they are not set already: :indentifers and :columns.

While it’s okay to treat the PStore object as an implementation detail, we will treat our interactions with it as part of Newman’s external interface, so that we are more conservative about making backwards incompatible changes to the databases created by Newman::Store.

    def initialize(filename)

      self.data = PStore.new(filename)

      write do
        data[:identifiers] ||= {} 
        data[:columns]     ||= {}


Newman::Store#[] is syntactic sugar for initializing a Newman::Recorder object, and is meant to be used for accessing and manipulating column data by column_key, i.e.


This method is functionally equivalent to the following code:

recorder = Newman::Recorder.new(:subscriptions, store)

For aesthetic reasons and for forward compatibility, it is preferable to use Newman::Store#[] rather than instantiating a Newman::Recorder object directly.

    def [](column_key)
      Recorder.new(column_key, self) 


Newman::Store#read initiates a read only transaction and then yields the underlying PStore object stored in the data field.

    def read
      data.transaction(:read_only) { yield(data) }


Newman::Store#read initiates a read/write transaction and then yields the underlying PStore object stored in the data field.

    def write
      data.transaction { yield(data) }

NOTE: Methods below this point in the file are implementation details, and should not be depended upon



The data accessor is kept private because a Newman::Store object is meant to wrap a single PStore object once created, and because we want to force every interaction with a Newman::Store to be transactional in nature.

    attr_accessor :data