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Newman::TestMailer is a drop-in replacement for Newman::Mailer meant for use in automated testing. It is a thin wrapper on top of the built in testing functionality provided by the mail gem.

Newman::TestMailer may be a useful tool for Newman application developers, at some point but is a bit tricky to work with due to the fact that it relies on global state. This is a known issue and will hopefully be solved in a future version of Newman.

Newman::TestMailer is part of Newman’s internal interface, but may become part of the external interface if we can make it less brittle. Patches are welcome!

module Newman
  class TestMailer


To initialize a Newman::TestMailer object, a settings object must be provided, i.e.

settings = Newman::Settings.from_file(‘config/environment.rb’)
mailer   = Newman::TestMailer.new(settings)

However, there are handful of caveats worth knowing about this constructing an instance of this particular object.

1) Most unit tests won’t need a Newman::TestMailer object present, and most integration tests can make use of Newman::Server.test_mode, preventing the need to ever explicitly instantiate a Newman::TestMailer object.

2) Because there isn’t an obvious way to work with test objects in the underlying mail gem without relying on global state, Newman::TestMailer actually implements the singleton pattern and returns references to a single instance rather than creating new instances. The constructor interface is simply preserved so that it can be a drop-in replacement for a Newman::Mailer object.

3) The settings object is not actually used, and is only part of the signature for API compatibility reasons.

With these caveats in mind, be sure to think long and hard about whether you actually need to explicitly build instances of this object before doing so :)

    class << self
      def new(settings)
        return self.instance if instance

        Mail.defaults do
          retriever_method :test
          delivery_method  :test      

        self.instance = allocate

      attr_accessor :instance

Newman::TestMailer#messages is used to retrieve all messages currently in the inbox and then delete them from the underlying Mail::TestMailer object so that the inbox gets cleared. This method returns an array of Mail::Message objects if any messages were found, and returns an empty array otherwise.

Keep in mind that because only a single Newman::TestMailer ever gets instantiated no matter how many times you call Newman::TestMailer.new, you only get one test inbox per process.

    def messages
      msgs = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(Mail::TestMailer.deliveries))



Newman::TestMailer#new_message is used to construct a new Mail::Message object, with the delivery settings set to test mode. This method passes all its arguments on to Mail::Message.new, so be sure to refer to the mail gem’s documentation for details.

    def new_message(*a, &b)
      Mail::Message.new(*a, &b)

Newman::TestMailer#deliver_message method is used to construct and immediately deliver a message with the delivery settings set to test mode.

    def deliver_message(*a, &b)
      new_message(*a, &b).deliver